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The student newspaper of The United Nations International School.

The UNISVerse

The student newspaper of The United Nations International School.

The UNISVerse

The student newspaper of The United Nations International School.

The UNISVerse

Adapted from an image by Desiree Ho for the Innovative Genomics Institute ( under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Satire! UNIS Spices Up Pandemic Protocols with Songs, “Love Island,” and More

By Anais King January 3, 2021

In March of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic brought the United Nations International School to a temporary close. Many students were devastated that they were obligated to take classes online and stay in quarantine....

Image by Eren Levine.

Zooming in on “Technical Difficulty” Claims

By Sophia Lenczowski, Editor-in-Chief April 21, 2020

Over the two weeks that UNIS has been conducting online learning, numerous people have reached out to the administration with concerns, feedback, and questions. One recurring question surrounded teacher...

A/C Temperatures Rock United Nations School

A/C Temperatures Rock United Nations School

By Aki Gaythwaite November 18, 2019

A crowd forms in chem lab 423 as students and teachers cluster around a pale student who, with chattering teeth and fumbling blue-tipped fingers, has curled up into a tight ball, shivering, in the corner...

Illustration by Francis Smith

T2 Contracts First Recorded Case of Early-Onset Senioritis

By Timothy Lin, former Editor-in-Chief November 16, 2018

In what has been described as “the most bizarre medical anomaly of our time,” a T2 student has contracted the first known case of early-onset senioritis (EOS), NYC health department sources confirmed...

UNIS Holds Fire Drill at Statistically Most Inconvenient Time

UNIS Holds Fire Drill at Statistically Most Inconvenient Time

By Timothy Lin, Former Editor-in-Chief November 4, 2018

In what has been described as “one of the most agonizing 50 minutes in UNIS history,” UNIS conducted a fire drill at the statistically most inconvenient time possible, according to Fire Drill Department...

NASA Discovers A Miniature Black Hole In The Middle Of UNIS

By Herbert Wimple March 2, 2018

Last Saturday, at 2:34 PM, a group of NASA scientists, dressed in black suits and wearing sunglasses, entered UNIS to study a rare phenomenon. They claimed they detected a rare instance of space distortion...

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