Prologue: A Look into this Year’s IB Visual Arts Exhibit

Promotional poster for Prologue, created by Aksaamai Ormonbekova

Promotional poster for Prologue, created by Aksaamai Ormonbekova

Last Friday marked the opening of Prologue; the exhibit put together by UNIS seniors taking IB Visual Arts to showcase the pieces they have created over the past two years. The whole evening, Caelum Gallery was buzzing with UNIS students, parents, and teachers taking in all the wonderful art and congratulating the seniors on their accomplishments.

While the exhibition ended on Saturday, UNISVerse has put together a small online gallery for those of you who missed it or simply can’t get enough of the work created by these seniors. We feature each artists’ favorite piece alongside a snippet of the artists in their own words, as they explain the reasoning behind their pick or provide insight into the meaning of their work.
