The UNISVerse

Is Completing the IB Beneficial to UNIS Graduates?

Is Completing the IB Beneficial to UNIS Graduates?

By Eren Levine January 30, 2019

The International Baccalaureate program is known to be extremely challenging for students around the world, including those at UNIS. Current Tut 4 IB student, Niko Filippi, says, “The IB is definitely...

Illustration by Emma Bokel

The Pros and Cons of This Year’s Club Fair

By Wenche Tseng November 20, 2018

On October 5, after setting up their tables, posters, and signup sheets, 44 clubs spent an hour advertising, speaking to students, and acquiring new members, all while generating a vibrant mood throughout...

Should UNIS Students Learn More Computer Programming?

Should UNIS Students Learn More Computer Programming?

By Alexander King November 17, 2018

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? You go onto your phone and look online. Our society has evolved from using textbooks to using online resources, from keeping in touch through letters to...

Illustration by Francis Smith

What’s Hiding Behind the Turkey?

By Saskia Noaghiul November 17, 2018

Like clockwork, generations of families gather together on the fourth Thursday of November to hold hands and talk about their lives, filling their stomachs with roasted turkey, cranberry sauce, corn on...

Illustration by Ning Chang

Does the IB Push Students into Relationships?

By Clara Scholl November 17, 2018

Throughout UNIS, it is common to see couples holding hands or dropping their significant other off at class. You might even see a teacher glare at a couple that is a bit too affectionate. Many students...

Do Relationships Negatively Affect Grades?

Do Relationships Negatively Affect Grades?

By Claudia Smithie November 17, 2018

Imagine this. You are sitting in your room with your computer in front of you, trying to figure out a way to begin writing your article. Your mind is racing with negative thoughts: Why is she ignoring...

Advisory Must Be Changed

Advisory Must Be Changed

By Jose Ortega November 13, 2018

Have you ever sat in an Advisory session and wondered what the point of it is? Many teachers would define Advisory as a series of community-based programs that help ensure the students are on the right...

Getting Rid of the Plus-Minus Grading System Would Be a Huge Minus

By Melina Nelson, Copy Editor March 2, 2018

The Tut House administration implemented a new grading system, starting with the class of 2019, that eliminates the plus-minus extensions of the numerical 1-7 scale. According to Tut House principal Antoine...

Can Objectivity in the Grading System Really Be Achieved?

By Kresten Due March 2, 2018

There are few things in life of which we are certain: the sky is blue, the meaning of life is 42, and sleep is the best thing since sliced bread. Similarly, there are certain truths about grading: some...

The Inconvenience of Fire Drills

By Grace Li March 2, 2018

Fire drills have been a part of every student’s typical routine at UNIS for years. But I think we can all agree that these state-mandated exercises are a real inconvenience to the UNIS community. I...

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The student newspaper of The United Nations International School.