UNIS Launches Election Hub!
As the end of the school year rapidly approaches, so do Student Council elections! For us as students, this is an opportunity to engage in a democratic process and elect peers who will represent our needs and interests.
Every year, the election year consists of campaigning by the candidates, followed by a debate, then, finally, the vote. Each grade from T1 to T4 will have three representatives, plus there will be one Student Council President from T4. This year, the Tut House will be able to follow the election process through our Election Hub—a website with student polls and overviews for each candidate. There will also be a UNISVerse takeover of the Student Council Instagram page (@unisstudentcouncil). Additional information will be posted on both the StuCo and the UNISVerse Instagram pages (@theunisverse), so please make sure to follow both accounts to keep up with the election process!
Now, what exactly is the Student Council? Much of their work goes on behind the scenes, but nonetheless, what they do is extremely important to the student body. The general responsibilities of grade level representatives include dealing with problems and suggestions from their respective grades. This can range anywhere from extracurricular activities and academics to logistics such as bathrooms and water fountains. All in all, grade level representatives do just what the title suggests: speak for their grade’s wants and needs, especially in front of the administration. For example, some of what grade representatives have done this year includes organizing clubs and club fairs, liaising with OSA (the Office of Student Activities) to create internal internship opportunities, and plan events like Spirit Week and virtual Valentine’s Day cards. Grade representatives also have the opportunity to discuss the UNIS mascot, as well as plan assemblies for issues like student mental health.
This year, T1 and T2 debates will take place during advisory on Monday, May 3rd and Monday, May 10th respectively. The T3 debate, which will determine the two future T4 reps and Student Council President, will take place during lunch on Tuesday, May 4th. Finally, the entire process will culminate in the election, which will take place by Google Forms from Monday, May 17th to Wednesday, May 19th.
In the upcoming weeks, make sure to get to know your grade representative candidates, as well as the candidates for Student Council President. Keep in mind that once elected, these students will not only represent you as an individual, but the interests of your grade as a whole. Keep an eye out for campaigns, watch the debates, and most importantly, vote!

Hi! My name is Anyue and I am in the class of 2023. I am one of UNISVerse's Editors in Chief, but before this position, I was the Opinion Editor for this...